Not all patients are good candidates for laser vision correction.  Some of the reasons for this are:

  • –  High Neardsghtedness
  • –  High Farsightedness
  • –  High Astigmatism
  • –  Previous Incisional refractive surgery (eg: RK)
  • –  Thin Cornea
  • –  Presence of a Cataract

A careful assessment of your particular vision problem and your individual visual needs can lead to the development of a refractive surgical plan that is customized to your particular needs.

At Houston Ophthalmology Associates, we pride ourselves in our ability to provide a full spectrum of vision correction to our patients. From nearsightedness to farsightedness, astigmatism and near vision reading problems after age 40.  We provide solutions for the average vision correction problems that we deal with using advanced laser vision technology to more complex vision correction that might not be corrected using laser vision correction technology. For some of these patients, intraocular lens (IOL) based refractive treatment is the procedure of choice.  Some of the lens based vision correction options are:

Monofocal IOL

  • –  These IOLs are implanted in the eye following routine cataract surgery.
  • –  They are monofocal  (have one zone of clarity). They can be fixed for clear distance vision in both eyes eliminating or decreasing dependence on eyeglasses for clear distance vision. However, glasses will need to be worn for intemediate and near tasks.
  • –  Alternatively, monovision can be planned where the dominant eye sees clear at distance and the non-dominant eye is clear at near. With both eyes open, the brain fuses both images allowing concurrent near and far vision.


  • –  If you are developing cataracts and you also have astigmatism, new premium lens implant options are available to help minimize your need for glasses after surgery.
  • –  Until recently, cataract patients that were IOL candidates and had astigmatism, had no IOL option which would correct the astigmatism .
  • –  Surgeons would typically correct astigmatism by perform ing additional incisional surgery or LASIK after the insertion of an IOL to correct the complete visual picture. –
  • –  If patients did not have astigmatism correction at the time of the surgery, contact lenses or glasses would be required to deal with astigmatism.
  • –  Recent advances in the IOL production technology have allowed development of an IOL that when inserted into the eye during cataract surgery allows the correction of corneal astigmatism without the need for additional refractive procedures.
  • –  The AcrySof Toric® corrects for both cataracts and astigmatism.
  • –  The Acrysof Toric® IOL is a foldable, single piece lens that is implanted during cataract surgery to replace the clouded lens. The unique design of the AcrySof Toric® IOL makes it possible to reduce or eliminate the effects of corneal astigmatism and significantly improve uncorrected distance vision, independent of eyeglasses and contact lenses.


  • –  Untill recently, cataract surgery patients had no options that would correct both far and near vision after cataract surgery.
  • –  With the development of premium  multifocal IOLs, patients can truly opt for a continuous spectrum of clear vision at near, intermediate and far distances


  • –  The AcrySof ReSTOR® Apodized Diffractive Optic Posterior IOL (ReSTOR®) is a permanent artificial lens.
  • –  It is used in adult patients with and without presbyopia, who desire near, intermediate and distance vision with increased independence from glasses and contact lenses.
  • –  The ReSTOR® lens is implanted in the eye as a lens replacement at the time of cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange.
  • –  The AcrySof ReSTOR® IOL has a patented optic design using apodization, diffraction and refraction technologies. The apodized diffractive optic design gives it the ability to focus light correctly on the retina for images at various distances without mechanical movement of the lens.

Clinical data demonstrates that AcrySof ReSTOR® IOL greatly reduces dependence on glasses or bifocals:

  • 80% of patients reported that after lens implant surgery with ReSTOR® lenses, they never needed glasses or contact lenses to see clearly at all distances.
  • 94% reported being able to drive or read the newspaper without glasses or contacts
  • Nearly 94% were so satisfied that they would have the procedure again.


  • –  The Tecnis Multifocal IOL full Diffractive Optic Posterior IOL (TMF) is a permanent artificial lens.
  • –  Although most people over 60 experience some level of blurry vision due to cataracts, and almost everyone over 50 loses their ability to read comfortably without glasses due to presbyopia, the TECNIS Multifocal Lens now makes it possible to regain the performance of youthful eyes.
  • –  It is used in adult patients with and without presbyopia, who desire near, intermediate and distance vision with increased independence from glasses and contact lenses.
  • –  The TMF lens is implanted in the eye as a lens replacement at the time of cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange.
  • –  The TMF IOL has a patented optic design using a fully diffractive surface. The diffractive optic design gives it the ability to focus light correctly on the retina for images at various distances without mechanical movement of the lens, in any light condition — even in low light.

The clinical studies supporting the FDA approval of the Tecnis® Multi-Focal IOL indicate that:

  • –  After surgery nearly 9 out of 10 patients did not require glasses for any activity.
  • –  93.8% of bilaterally implanted patients stated that they functioned comfortably without glasses at all distances—near, intermediate, and far—at 1 year.
  • –  88% of bilaterally implanted patients reported never wearing glasses.
  • –  Most patients achieved excellent image quality at all distances, under any lighting condition.
  • –  Over 94% of study patients would choose TECNIS Multifocal IOL again.


  • –  available to patients between 21 and 45 years of age with high myopia outside the range of LASIK.
  • –  A foldable lens is inserted through surgical micro-incision and placed inside the eye just behind the iris in from of the eye’s natural lens
  • –  This procedure is available to patients who have high myopia who are not suitable for LASIK correction or patients who are NOT good candidates for LASIK because of thin corneas.


  • –  This is a procedure for patients who are extremely near-sighted and outside the range of LASIK.
  • –  A foldable lens is inserted through a surgical micro-incision and placed inside the eye just in front of the iris (the colored part of the eye)
  • –  This procedure is available to patients who have high myopia who are not suitable for LASIK correction or patients who are NOT good candidates for LASIK because of thin corneas.


If you are interested in laser vision correction call us at 281-420-EYES (3937) to set up for a FREE LASIK CONSULTATION or Schedule Online.

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Premium Cataract Surgery in Houston

See Near, Far and Everything in Between After Premium Cataract Surgey. Offering Patients Restor and Tecnis Multifocal IOLs.

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i-Lasik in Houston

Bladeless LASIK in Houston. See What You Have Been Missing!

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